Audit Service
- Visual Cleanlines
- Florescent Marking
- ATP Bioluminescence
- Hand Hygiene
HPS delivers Environmental & Hand Hygiene Audits – Affordable, Practical Audit Solutions, that Translates into Audit Data Flowing Faster and with Less Disruption to the Existing Team.
Audit Technology
- Visual Cleanliness
- Florescent Marking
- ATP Bioluminescence
- Hand Hygiene
- Risk Management
HPS Delivers Audit Technology Platform That is Affordable, Easy to Use, Effective for Automating All Environmental, Hand Hygiene, And Key Risk Control Audits into A Single Data Platform.
Staffing Assessments
- Staffing Assessments
- Job Design
- Workload Reviews
- Benchmarking
HPS Delivers Staffing Assessments Are Based On Real-World Conditions, are Objective, Efficiency-Based, Staffing Levels, and Enable Highly Product Teams and High Quality Performance Outcomes.
- Technical Training (Cleaning & Disinfection)
- (Environmental) Infection Prevention & Control
- Training Audits
- Competency Assessments
- Training Toolkits
HPS Delivers On-Site Training Services That Compliments In-House Education Programs, and Vendor Provided Product Orientation, to Provide a High Skilled and Competent Cleaning and Disinfection Team.
Risk Assessments
- Regulatory Compliance
- Leading Practice Assessment
- Organizational Risk
HPS Risk Assessment Matrix for Environmental Cleaning & Defection Goes Beyond Risk Identification to Include an Prioritization Assessment of Hazard Occurrence Likelihood and Consequence, as well as Prescriptive Remedial Measures.
Operational Reviews
5P Performance FrameworkSM
- – Protocol
- – People
- – Process
- – Product
- – Performance
HPS Delivers Comprehensive Operational Reviews That Are Objective and Evidence-Based; Recommendations Target the Most-Critical Improvements, And Are Achievable. HPS Enables Performance Improvement Through a Review of Service Execution Strategy and Operations-Level Assessment.