Staffing assessments based on real-world conditions, that are objective, efficiency-based and achieve high quality performance outcomes.


  • Staffing Assessments
  • Job Design
  • Workload Reviews
  • Benchmarking

HPS Solutions

Progressive Workload Assessment Methodology
From “informed” benchmarking, through zero-based workload assessments, HPS has an approach that will provide an understanding of the productive hourly, leadership, and total – labor spend for your housekeeping, or environmental services team.

HPS Staffing CalculatorSM
Our proprietary workload assessment tool, or “black-box”, is unprecedented. HPS provides a customized workload assessment, tailored to your facility, clinical program, and scope of service.

Technology Enabler
For more complex assessments, HPS utilizes the environmental cleaning workload assessment technology from Data-Know-HowTM. Informed by your CAD files, area types, cleaning tasks and frequencies, we build a customized staffing plan. The deliverables are a facility map, laid-out with staffing areas defined by color coded drawings, aligned to service intensity. The system will provide the means for quick calculation of optional “what-if” scenarios.

HPS Services

Peer Comparisons
HPS understands that no two healthcare facilities are the same; however, despite this, hospitals and long term care facilities, will often compare themselves to other facilities. At HPS, we look beyond basic metrics of cost per square foot, or fulltime equivalent employees per bed, and do a detailed analysis of peers, routing out differences in the facility profile, clinical activity levels, and scope of practice. The result is an informed peer assessment that provides for insights-based innovation sharing.

Job DesignSM
HPS can translate budget allocations of staffing into a workforce deployment plan that achieves optimal quality and efficiency, even when resources are stretched. HPS will create a master schedule, and position-specific work assignments that fit the budget, and service requirements. The result is a faster and more effective roadmap towards the goal of effective implementation of staff work routines.

Time & Task Analysis
Whether for an entire facility, a specific patient care unit or department, HPS can provide a “zero-based” workload assessment of the routine, periodic, project, and demand-based cleaning requirements. The results are objective, evidence-based assessments of existing and new “what-if” job modifications.